Editorial photography Frankie magazine

To say that I was excited when I got an email from Frankie Magazine to photograph one of the winners in the latest issue who lives in Cairns would be an understatement. I mean one of the reasons why I got into photography was due to my passion for magazines and editorial photography , I loveee magazines, there is something about the print medium that has a special effect on me more than just a digital copy . We are lucky to have a great range of talent up here in North Qld and of course Greta Stanley is one of them, a singer song-writer with one of those voices that you hear and make you stop. She entered the music category with one of her songs called ” When January comes” , her section was judged by Myf Warhurst and yes she won! So I got to photograph her in my studio one Sunday morning . Today I was off to the local newsagency to get my copy . Of course I wanted to share this as it is one of those great things that happens to us when you are passionate about something so here it is 🙂

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