Ladies in Business – Day 17 – Buzz Music

Leanne Harmer

Q – Tell us about your business (what product or service you provide)

We are a full line Musical Instrument store selling everything from drums, guitars, pianos, Band and orchestral instruments, sheet music as well as live sound and recording.  We also have a music school to teach you how to play all the instruments.

Q – What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to others?
If you are genuine in everything you do then people will see that.  How you are in everything, is how you are.

Q – What one thing have you learned as a small business owner that has served you well over the years?

Don’t be scared to set big wild goals and go for them, it’s amazing what writing those goals down and then making every choice to get you closer will do.  Don’t let the “we might not make it” vibes get you down.


Q – Are there any resources or tools you’d like to share with other small business owners that have helped you run your business?

A good Accountant is an absolute must, and getting help with branding is also so very important.  We also drink a lot of local coffee, that definitely helps us run our business!


Q – What do you do for fun/relaxation?

I am a singer and guitarist in a band and we play shows, record music and rehearse in our “Free” time, when I’m not wrangling my 4 year old and 20 month old girls.  I also enjoy a sneaky Whiskey by the campfire, guitar in hand that’s for sure.


Q – And something on the fun side of things, what’s your party trick?

I actually LOVE baking gourmet cakes and do that a lot with my girls, however my real party trick would be my ability to “Ninja Clap” a fly dead.  I usually get them first time and my girls are in the habit of yelling “Got it!” every time I clap now.