Scentsy event at Flames of the forest Port Douglas
Flames of the forest is a rainforest dining experience. It’s a magical atmosphere with fairy lights and the actual stars that you can see at night, I must say it is a challenging place for photographers as it is quite dark but I still love it . There is something nice about feeling like you are in the middle of nowhere but just surrounded by nature so when I got contacted about covering this event I quickly said yes 🙂
Scentsy was having an award night and I was there to catch the atmosphere and moments for them , here are just a couple of images from the night.
#flamesoftheforest #portdouglaseventphotography #corporateevents #corporateeventsphotographyportdouglas #dragonflyweddingsandevents #MCI-group #tropicalnorthqueenslandevents #eventphotography