WGC Lawyers new branding

WGC is a large law firm here in Cairns, it’s always refreshing to do something new for clients and they felt that an outdoors shoot will represent them better. From headshots to groupshots int he one location, we are lucky to have great spots around Cairns for photography and this place was great for that and the look they were after . Everyone was so great to work with which made my job easy.

I can’t wait to see their new website which is where the photos will go in besides marketing materials etc

Here are just a couple from the day.

Corporate Headshots

Corporate Headshots

#corporateheadshotscairns  #branding #marketingcairns  #marketingimages #professionalphotographycairns #prophotocairns  #headshotscairns  #lawyerscairns  #lawfirmcairns