Pin up photography Cairns – professional studio

I love pin up style photography, these images are all pin up inspired styled photoshoots done in the studio. These sessions are so much fun, I always hear “it’s like playing dress up” , and “that was so much fun” because it’s true!! You come into the studio , we have a chat about the looks you are after and then we head onto the hair and make up room where you get all done up while having a laugh and chatting some more, also we look at the outfits and get it all set .

During the sessions I guide the posing , most of the time you will see me behind the camera standing like as if I was you, and sometimes I may ask you to do something then I do it myself to make sure what I am asking you to do is not ridiculous ha ha ha 🙂

Overall I love the fact that these shoots suit all females , different shapes and sizes , they are a confident boost, we all look great and with a bit of direction I can capture your beauty forever 🙂

So please feel free to grab inspirations here for your next shoot with Blueclick !!!


pin up photography by blueclick photography

cairns pin up photography , blueclick photography , cairns professional photography

cairns pin up photography , blueclick photography , cairns professional photography

cairns pin up photography , blueclick photography , cairns professional photography

cairns pin up photography , blueclick photography , cairns professional photography

cairns pin up photography , blueclick photography , cairns professional photography

cairns pin up photography , blueclick photography , cairns professional photography

cairns pin up photography , blueclick photography , cairns professional photography

cairns pin up photography , blueclick photography , cairns professional photography